
Apping Technology

Build sustainable growth for your business

Outsourcing Transformation

How to embrace the power of outsourcing to achieve digital transformation success

Do what you do best, outsource the rest ~ by Peter Drucker

Outsourcing allows companies to focus on its core aspects by delegating other functions to outside companies to perform specific tasks as a way to reduce operating costs such as salaries, overhead and technology.

Analytics Transformation

How can you harness the reporting analysis to bridge and identify business gap

Ever wondering how to make the right business decisions?

Business analytics is the gateway to your business intelligence. Cloud AI collects, analyses and provides data visualization that helps business owners identify pain points and make informed decisions.

Sales and Customer Relationships Management

Empower your sales team with the right tool for greater performance

Sales management is an important business function that steers the business to its success. We have over 20 years of proven experience in global sales that provides significant success to our clients in multiple industries. We can show you how this is done.

All-in-one Inventory, Sales and Accounting for Retails

Automate your inventory with your sales and accounting with one app

What are the 5 key principles of inventory management? Demand forecast, warehouse flow, inventory rotation, product cycle flow and process auditing. We strategically manage all inventory together with other business app in one platform.

Featured Trends

Marketing: How conversational commerce can increase customer satisfaction


Manufacturing: Enabling centralized data, share and secure information, automate processes and standardize product manufacturing


Supply Chain: What factors are important for improving supply chain?

Find your digital transformation pattern

Work through these five brief questions and receive your company's digital transformation plan.

With this 2 minute survey, your personalized transformation trend will be revealed, along with curated ideas and recommendations to support your digitalization journey.

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Apping 5 Drivers of Growth

For over 20 years, we have been learning and advising multi national corporations and successful entrepreneurs on growth strategies across different industries and different regions.

We harnessed this knowledge and insights of over 20 years to produce Apping 5 Drivers of Growth. We use these strategies to help businesses to achieve their corporate goals and sustainable growth over the years.

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